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Trance Healing Medium

Thea Iberall
Jul 10, 20216 min read
Picking up Trash
I used to pick up trash on the sidewalks as a spiritual practice. How does one do it without anger, without judgments?
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Shirley Riga
Jul 8, 20216 min read
Life is Change
Shaking up our routines feels incomprehensible and yet, a good shakeup helps us examine what is working and what isn’t.
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Shirley Riga
Jul 6, 20217 min read
We all seek relief of some kind. My moments of self-care in a day get de-prioritized as I am distracted from one thing to another.
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Shirley Riga
Jul 4, 20216 min read
Freedom in my Choices
Gentle Teaching is an approach to help those struggling to feel safe, feel love, be engaged and show gentleness and love to each other.
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Shirley Riga
Jul 3, 20216 min read
Suffering Is Optional
I’ve been working with a healer over the past 2 months to help me clear suffering from my body. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
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Shirley Riga
Jul 1, 20215 min read
The Wonders of Vision
Sometimes I want to close my eyes to the hurt and pain, to the disrespect and the distraction. Sometimes I want to look through other’s eyes
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Thea Iberall
Jun 26, 20214 min read
Air is Deceptive
Sitting on the planet is 5200 trillion tons of air, or about one ton directly on top of each one of us. Why aren't we crushed?
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Shirley Riga
Jun 22, 20215 min read
Life is moving on like a ribbon highway. Fear lanes, exploring lanes, growing lanes. All moving in the right direction.
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Shirley Riga
Jun 17, 20215 min read
Psychological Time
I thought worrying was a problem specific to me until I learned about psychological time versus clock time.
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Shirley Riga
Jun 16, 20217 min read
You First
Every living being has an energy body better known as an aura. We hold traumas there. It's called psychic debris. Time to clean it out.
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Shirley Riga
Jun 13, 20216 min read
I have the ability to imagine anything I want. I learned to prepare for the worst so I got really good at imagining worse-case scenarios.
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Shirley Riga
Jun 12, 20217 min read
Letting Go is Invigorating
My attic was littered with old memories no longer important to me and yet, I’ve held on to them forever. It was time to clean house.
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Shirley Riga
Jun 11, 20216 min read
My Special Place
My imagination is the canvas I use to build this comforting place within. Spending time in silence allows me to relax. Til fear shows up.
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Shirley Riga
Jun 10, 20215 min read
My Toolbelt
I often think about my ability to survive my life. We all have our stories. Using my breath has been a crucial tool in my challenging times.
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Shirley Riga
Jun 6, 20215 min read
My Inner Garden
I feel softened on the inside, seeking comforting beauty. I deserve to pause and remember I am worthy of flowers. I bloom with abandon.
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Shirley Riga
Jun 3, 20215 min read
Living Without a Net
Yesterday was a day in my history. I lived without a net. I stayed in the present. I didn’t look forward or back.
It was a free day.
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Shirley Riga
Jun 2, 20216 min read
Practicing Boldness
Thank you to a friend for submitting the poem below. At first read, it felt angry. Second read a little less. Third read I agree. Enough...
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Thea Iberall
May 28, 20215 min read
Decisions, Decisions
It's surmised that every 6 seconds a decision is made to do the same thing or do something different. What are your daily decisions?
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Thea Iberall
May 27, 20216 min read
My Intention Drives My Experiences
We do things by habit so that we don’t have to think about them or because we feel safer . Habit is the opposite of being intentional.
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Shirley Riga
May 26, 20215 min read
Blood Moon
It’s my job to stay open minded, and believe in the process of releasing. As soon as I start blaming or denying, the process stalls.
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